Our Partnership
The Aarambh India Initiative is focused on safeguarding children in India from all kinds of sexual offences and related ambiguities, disenfranchisements, traumas and harm.
The initiative develops and implements strategic programmatic interventions that enable and support children & adolescents in overcoming vulnerabilities and exercise their rights at various levels – family, community, systems, governance and policy. The initiative’s work on the issue of sexual offences against children involves a mix of social work, communications & technology, knowledge development, research, network building and advocacy. Currently, the work covers:
Training and workshops
Strengthening Child Protection Systems in Mumbai & Maharashtra
Care & Support: The Care & Support intervention works on cases which take place in extraordinary and challenging circumstances where the child victim is rendered extremely vulnerable and where loopholes of the law and the systems become glaring. These cases typically require greater focus, intensive long-term engagement, and significantly more resources.
The Aarambh India Regional Alliance (TARA): TARA is an intervention that works in states and regions, which have been identified, as being under-resourced on issues related to child protection. It is implemented through partnerships with existing civil society organizations & networks that are already working on the ground on allied and adjacent issues with women, girls, children and marginalized communities.
Online Safety
The National Resource Portal
The office of The Aarambh India Initiative is based out of Mumbai, Maharashtra but various interventions target diverse geographies across the country.
Firetree is supporting Aarambh with unrestricted funding to continue to develop and implement its core work. Much of the funding is being used to continue to develop the TARA network, for direct care and support work and some staff costs.